Welcome To Our New Website!

Crystal Evans • June 3, 2021

We are very excited to share the launch of our new and improved website! You will notice the efficiency we achieved in the booking of our services along with areas on our page that will keep you better informed with all the fun and exciting things we having going on at Barking Good.


In March and April all Barking Good staff attended an extensive training program to further enhance our level of expertise in providing a safe and engaging environment for your pups. We have all graduated the core programs and over the months of May and June we are advancing our skills, even further, to provide a variety of enriching programs that will skyrocket our core value of ensuring that every dog is confident while we stay flexible to each of their needs. As you know, we are very passionate about allowing all of our visiting dogs to be the dog that they want to be and this advanced training will provide programs that will enhance this for your fur-babies even further. We have been busy practicing all of our skills and planning the best programs that suit your special pets.


Stay tuned about these programs and other new and exciting things going on at Barking Good by signing up to our Newsletter,  and take advantage of the free offers.

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